This episode is a sequel to the earlier episode Thriving Abroad: Maria Madsen's Journey to Making Denmark Home This episode is an epic adventure! Maria Madsen not only switched careers, but she did it all while in a foreign land. Maria took her skills and transformed them into a thriving toy business. And get this - she learned those skills when she was just a wee lass!
In this episode, you will learn
Join us as we hear about Maria's awe-inspiring journey of starting up her business in Denmark. We'll hear all about how she sought advice, scrounged up funding, and summoned the courage to dive headfirst into entrepreneurship in a completely new and unfamiliar environment.
This is a story you won't want to miss, folks!
Today, I will be talking to Madhura Sane. She is from India and been living in the US with her family. Madhura never really...
Welcome to Day 12 of my Holiday Special of My Kids Think I'm Cool, But Podcast. On this Special - I will be talking...
Today, I will be talking with Ana Tajder is from Austria but living in the US wither her family. She will be talking about...