This episode is a sequel to the earlier episode Thriving Abroad: Maria Madsen's Journey to Making Denmark Home This episode is an epic adventure! Maria Madsen not only switched careers, but she did it all while in a foreign land. Maria took her skills and transformed them into a thriving toy business. And get this - she learned those skills when she was just a wee lass!
In this episode, you will learn
Join us as we hear about Maria's awe-inspiring journey of starting up her business in Denmark. We'll hear all about how she sought advice, scrounged up funding, and summoned the courage to dive headfirst into entrepreneurship in a completely new and unfamiliar environment.
This is a story you won't want to miss, folks!
I have talked to so many internationals/expats/immigrants living in Denmark and for some reason, many of them have the same pattern - Going back...
We’re not given an instructional manual on how to become a parent, but we’re given parenting intuition and we can always ask around if...
Today, I will be talking with Krisia Justesen from Bermuda. She lives in Denmark with her husband and kids. In Bermuda, they have a...